Category Archives: News
Here are our latest events and tips for season sports.
Below you will find our tours and guidances and underneath them our current articles.

Hiking Travel, Hit
Hiking Travel HIT is an active family enterprise concentrating in nature tourism and outdoor sports especially in the Tampere region but also elsewhere in Finland.
Stomping It
OAC Kar 147
Hit Proto C2
New Family Canoe
The new addition in Hits fleet is Gatz Cherokee, a four seat big canoe.
The Cherokee is really good for families.
You can easily fit both parents and depending on size 2-4 kids.
You find the rental prices from here.
Hit Ultima Thule
A pulk for the tough goer. Developed for the Greenland Northward Expedition 2008 by Petri Mäkelä and Vuorenmaa.
The Hit Ultima Thule-pulk is the same shape as the Hugehit. The difference is that it is made from carbon/glassfibre-composites, epoxy-resin and its base is covered with graphite skibase plastic. Other pulks in the Thule-series are Hit Mid Thule (model Bighit) and Hit Thule (model Smallhit).
Check out the other pulk models!
The pulk found to its “homeland” in Thule Greenland. Read more:
More info on the pulk and its development:
The expedition was a success! Congrats to both Pete’s!
Big Hit Pulk Tested
We went to test the newest type of our Big Hit pulks at Kaupinoja rocks near our canoe rental shop. The lake is still completely frozen and there is a thick layer of snow on the rocks, so the conditions were ideal for the testing.
We loaded the pulk with a few concrete blocks and haystacks to give the sense of real loading. The concrete provided the weight and the haystacks added height to the cargo. The purpose was to test how the H-frame system could hold the pulk upright in sidesloping conditions when there is weight and height in the cargo.
And it worked fine! At the end we also tested the tracking of the X-frame system and it worked also. It is nice to do there sort of tests when to equipment works smoothly and the sun is shining.
Kicking to the Tracks
You can take a kick bike out for a spin on the jogging and forest trails.
And with the same piece of equipment you can also fly in town.
Rent a Tuplapotku kick bike from us!
It is the right choice when the weather gets colder
and you don’t have proper clothing for canoeing.
On the lake there is always a breeze,
while on land it is still.
You get the equipment from our Kaupinoja storage.
Check out the times from here. Or call Tapio, p. 040 7457803.