
Canoeing Tampere Finland

We offer canoes for rent, guidance and tours. We are one of the biggest canoe outfitters in Finland. We are located by lake Näsijärvi, just by Tampere city center.

Although we advice you to start canoeing with guidance, we also rent canoes to even total beginners depending on the weather conditions. From us you can find equipment from two person indian canoes to as big as 8 person voyager canoes. A more detailed picture of our canoeing equipment you can find from the links below:

Equipment list

Rental prices

On top of bare rental we offer paddling guidances, tours and courses. In the Summertime we offer paddling guidance. The theme changes every week and also includes canoeing basics to up from basics. And  we also offer a short canoe tour.

Paddling guidance

Canoe tour

When advancing in canoeing you often end thinking about equipment of your own. We can help in such matters also. You can check our selection of products from our webshop:


Paddling equipment

To end with a teaser, here is a playlist of our YouTube canoeing videos:

Find the joy of canoeing with us!
