And We All had so much Fun…
These programs are suitable for a company´s recreation day, a midmeeting snack, a Christmas party program as well as for other occasions. The goal is to have fun, raise team spirit and feeling of togetherness. The games and competions suit everybody. We bring the required equipment with us.
The program is constructed to be a playful competition. The themes are Allways together, Devils Fist, Jenga, Liars Club, Low BasketBall, Rock Drop, Tampere Quiz, Valuable Cargo.
Group size: Min. 10 pers.
Meals: According to our partners prices. The program can be run in restaurants and other indoor spaces. Our partners include among others Restaurant Rustholli, Tampere Spa, Marttlilan Pirtti, GastroPub Tuulensuu, restaurant Plevna and the Murikka-Institute.
Duration: 1-2 h.
Price: Prices starting 20 €/pers. inc. VAT.
Time of year: All year round
Service language: Finnish and English.
Other information: The program is suitable for all fitnesses and ages.
These product presentations are suggestive. Hiking Travel, Hit Ky holds the rights to any and all changes.