
Skinbased Skis

We have done skiing for many decades in almost all of its forms from ski racing to downhill, ski touring, telemark skiing, skinbased skiing etc. All that we say is based on our own self tested knowledge.

Here you can find an article about the choosing and waxing of skis and skiing techniques (in Finnish): https://hikingtravelhit.fi/pohdintoja-suksien-valinnasta-ladulle-ja-sen-ulkopuolelle-suksen-huollosta-voitelusta-ja-hiihtotekniikan-perusteista/

In addition to skiing ourselves we also rent, service and sell skiing equipment.

In recent times we have used particularly a lot modern skinbased skis intended for deep snow conditions. They are a highly valid choise for enjoying our current Winters:

More info on the skinbased skis we have for sale you can find here: https://hikingtravelhit.fi/tuote-osasto/hiihtovalineet/sukset/

Here is a playlist of our and our friends, skinbased ski manufacturer OAC Sport videos on Youtube:
