
Lake Näsi

This document describes in general lake Näsi (Näsijärvi) basin canoeing possibilities both from the perspective of kayak and open canoe paddling.

The shore views of Näsijärvi are rugged in most parts. There is plenty of rocky shorelines and on many islands there are nice, gently sloping rock faces. Vice versa are not that many sand beaches. But one can find plenty of summer cottages in the area, and you can still find enough stopover/offsite camping sites on uninhabited islands that are based on Finnish everyman’s rights. Constructed, for general use purposes sites, you can find only a few.

Näsijärvi is the biggest lake basin in the Kokemäki river (Kokemäenjoki) system. Its surface are is about 240 km2. The lenght of the lake basin in total is about 47 km. Under Näsijärvi there is an ancient crack in Finlands bedrock, which the ice ages dug deeper. In the confluence system there are many side forks, inlets to the crack. Medium sized inlets spreading to the west or east are nowadays: Lielahti, Siivikkalan lahti, Vahantalahti, Mutalan lahti, Kyrön lahti, Parkkuun lahti and Kurun lahti; and on the eastern shore; Aitolahti, Tervalahti, Paarlahti, Teiskon kirkkojärvi, Terälahti and Murolelahti. Because the inlets are typically several kilometres in lenght and width, it follows that Näsijärvi has in certain directions true open water paddling conditions. The main lake is divided into two sections, of which the south part is called Näsiselkä and the northern part Koljonselkä. The prior is much more open than the northern part, which consists of Myyrysselkä and Vankavesi.

In the big open waters of the south part there can be over ten kilometre long and several kilometre wide directions with open wind. Here the waves can grow freely. The lenght of sothern lake area from south to north is a bit over 20 km. Even if taking shelter from the winds, partly by circling by the shores, the distance is over doubled. To say, by paddling closer by the shoreline the distance is at least tripled. The most demanding wind directions are northwest, north, northeast, southeast, south and southwest. When paddling from north to south, with east and west winds you can choose a sheltered shore side. Despite this, paddle touring on Näsijärvi does not demand more than basic paddling skills. The ability to make rational desicions based on your own paddling skills and stamina is quite important. This is to say so that you can paddle with little breaks a bit over 20 km a day, or accordingly in heavier headwind/waves a bit short of 10 km a day.

When planning a tour on lake Näsi (and north of there to the direction of Ruovesi-Virrat), we advice you to notice the initial situation, the wind forecast for the first and second day. It is best to choose the starting point of the tour based on this: to turn the tour from north to south or the opposite, depending on which is more favorable according to the wind forecast the starting day or the previous. It is always good, if the tour gets under way with good speed in the start. When the situation demands, it is also worth while to consider moving the start/end point of the tour, so that you do not need to paddle in the windy conditions of Näsiselkä or Koljonselkä.

The canoe base of Hiking Travel, Hit is on the south shore of Näsijärvi by the center of Tampere city. Rental customers taking off on tours on Näsijärvi usually leave from our base. In many cases we also offer our customers transportation services north of the big open waters of Näsijärvi to more secluded waters for the the start of the tour, and/or the end to adapt to the conditions mentioned above.

-Track master Pekka Tyllilä
