
Summer Activities

In the summer time we travel by hiking, paddling, paddle boarding, biking, kick boarding, abseiling and climbing.

As a speciality on our watertours you can try out sesto-paddling based on the old log floating tradition or learn to ski on floating skis.  For lake paddling and longer river trips for groups we offer our big canoe C6 Teno 2000.  It holds 6-8 persons.

Lake City Activities: From Waters to Eating Experiences!

Have an unique City Break in Tampere!
Take a canoe or a kayak and enjoy the wide waters of Näsijärvi Lake just in front of the city center. Make a short canoe tour
and admire the scenery from the water level. After the sport activity relax in the local Gastro Pub enjoying a tasty meal and
local beers.

The tour starts from our base in Kaupinoja and you must make your way to Mustalahti harbour (1-1,5 h paddle). Individual customers go alone, groups starting from 8 go with big voyager canoes with a guide. After the activity you will a two course lunch/dinner with two beers from local Nordic Brewery.

Group size: 1-26 pers.

Transportation: With extra payment from Tampere railway station or a downtown hotel.

Meals: The tour includes drinking water for the canoe trip and a two course lunch/dinner at the local GastroPub.

Duration: n. 3 h.

Price: 65 € / pers. includes VAT.

Time of year: 15.5.-30.9.

Equipments: Canoeing equipment included in the price. Participants are required to dress according to the weather. NOTICE! In early and late season you have to take cold water into consideration.

Service language: Finnish, English.

Other information: The self supported tour is only available for intermediate paddlers. In a group we paddle with a big voyager canoe where previous experience is not needed.

Teamfun in the Middle of the Town

After a meeting or a busy workday it is good to relax a little, improve the group spirit, free creativity and gather up happy feelings. Our little competitions are possible to do almost everywhere. Even in the middle of Tampere city, easily and smoothly! After the activities you can continue the evening with a shared (sauna and ) dinner. We will make the reservations for you.

The program has been built by the same way as city orienteering. Your group will be split into teams before beginning and then you will have different kinds of tasks. Activities demand physical skills (big canoes, kickboards and wooden legs), knowledge (Tampere question contest, map puzzle), co-operation skills (string geometry) and braveness to take risks (Killi, the original gambling game of Tampere). The map of the team will be filled in every control point. In the end of the game everybody will come together, results will be announced and every participant gets a surprise prize.

We can carry out the programme in the middle of Tampere city. Recommended starting points are Tallipiha, the park of the old library, Laukontori or Mustalahti harbour. We have run the program as well in Hervanta, where the starting point has been in the Hermia area.

Group size: 10-200 pers.

Transportation: For extra payment.

Meals: We can arrange snack points (drinks and black sausages) and after the program common dinner.

Duration: Depending on the group size 2-3 h.

Price: Initial price 560 € includes equipment and one guide for max. 2 hours. Other services for extra cost. The price includes 10 % VAT.

Time of year: When the lake is unfrozen.

Equipment: Participants are required to dress according to the weather. Organizer arranges waterproof clothes and other required equipment.

Service languages: Finnish, Swedish, German and English. For French and Estonian we hope to get a request at least two weeks in advance.

Other information: The program is suitable for all fitnesses and ages.

These product presentations are suggestive.  Hiking Travel, Hit Ky holds the rights to any and all changes.
