
Christmas Party Programs Tampere

Relaxed and Peaceful Atmosphere from Nature

A nice Christmas experience is made by a quiet walking tour in the forest, where one can concentrate to feel nature with every sense. By a open fire warm mulled wine will be served and the Declaration of Christmas Peace will announced. With joyful spirit it is nice to walk to Christmas lunch or dinner to one of our cooperating restaurants.

Group size: 4-30 persons.

Transportation: If needed, by separate order transportation to our Kaupinoja base, from where we will walk to the restaurant.

Meals: The program includes mulled wine and cookie. Lunch/dinner at our cooperating restaurants by extra price.

Duration: 1 h.

Price: 40 € / pers. inc. VAT.

Time of year: On both sides of Christmas.

Equipment: Participants are required to dress according to the weather.

Service languages: Finnish, English, German.

Tasting Tampere – the best beers, exellent experiences and original flavours! (Visit Finland Authentic Culture Experience winner 2017)

Get to know Tampere by tasting the local food and drinks, excellent beers/wines, fascinating gins, delicious sausages and cheese, original local food at it’s best!

The guided walking tour in the city center is full of nice surprises, relaxed atmosphere, joy, wonderful flavours and excellent experiences to remember! Enjoy the taste of Tampere!

One can choose either a beer or wine tasting tour: Beers coming from the local Nordic Brewery and wines from Rönnvik Wine estate in Pälkäne. The theme of the tour is in the glamorous industrial history. The downtown area is presented from the birth of Tammerkoski to the modern day.

Group size: 4-50 persons.

Transportation: Local bus tickets included. If needed a charter bus with extra cost.

Meals: Sahti/sparkling wine tasting, 3 beer/wine tasting and 2 course dinner and as meal beverage 2 beers/wines. The beers can be changed into non alcoholic drinks. During the meals it is possible to buy more beverages with own expense.

Duration: 3 hours+dinner.

Price: 82 € / pers. inc. vat.

Time: All year round (not on 24.-25.12.).

Equipment: Participants are required to dress according to the weather.

Service languages: Finnish, English, German.

Towers of Tampere – A Stylish Visit in Tampere

You will see the town of Tampere through three towers and three different perspectives. In the old Pyynikki sightseeing tower you are in a unique pine forest, inside a beautiful nature spot just in the middle of the town. On the terrace of Hotel Torni you are in the heart of a modern cultural center and a vivid university town and from the high Näsinneula Tower you see the wide green and blue nature surrounding the town.

Group size: 4-25 persons

Transportation: Includes local bus ride, if needed additional transportation by agreement.

Meals: welcoming coffee and doughnut at Pyynikki sightseeing tower cafe, lunch soup Tower-hotel Moro Bar, sparkling non-alcohol wine at café Nasinneula.

Duration: 3-8 h.

Price: starting 80 €/person.

Time: All year round.

Equipment: Participants are required to wear according to the weather. When ordering equipment: walking sticks or kick bikes by extra charge.

Service languages: Finnish, English, German

Other information: It is possible to order dinner, either at restaurant Näsinneula or elsewhere in Tampere.

In the Patrons Footsteps – Facts and Stories about Industrialized Tampere

The tour will take you back to the time of cotton girls and boys in the glamorous past of the town Tampere and its industrial heritage. To the times of partisan leaders Rooth and Spoof (during the Finnish War), patron of Finlayson factory, Wilhelm von Nottbeck and the famous Finnish author Väinö Linna who worked in the Finlayson area and the other notable people of Tampere.

Groupsize: 4-60 pers.

Transportation: Can be organised from the customers location to Tallipiha for extra payment.

Meals: Price includes welcoming coffee and bun. Dinner in one of the restaurants in Finlayson or Tampella area for extra payment.

Duration: 2,5 h.

Price: starting 60 €/pers. Price includes VAT.

Time of year: All the year round.

Equipment: Participants are required to wear according to the weather. By order kick bikes for extra price.

Service languages: Finnish, German and English.

Other information: The program is suitable for all fitnesses and ages.

And We All had so much Fun…

These programs are suitable for a company´s recreation day, a midmeeting snack, a Christmas party program as well as for other occasions.  The goal is to have fun, raise team spirit and feeling of togetherness.  The games and competions suit everybody.  We bring the required equipment with us.

The program is constructed to be a playful competition.  The themes are  Allways together, Devils Fist, Jenga, Liars Club, Low BasketBall, Rock Drop, Tampere Quiz, Valuable  Cargo.

Group size:  Min. 10 pers.

Meals: According to our partners prices.  The program can be run in restaurants and other indoor spaces.  Our partners include among others Restaurant Rustholli, Tampere Spa, Marttlilan Pirtti, GastroPub Tuulensuu, restaurant Plevna and the Murikka-Institute.

Duration: 1-2 h.

Price: Prices starting 30 €/pers. inc. VAT.

Time of year: All year round

Service language: Finnish and English.

Other information: The program is suitable for all fitnesses and ages.

These product presentations are suggestive.  Hiking Travel, Hit Ky holds the rights to any and all changes.
