Wintry Fun

Kick of the dust from our head in a game of deep snow soccer or ski with our team on to new tracks with six metre skis!  Glide on skates on the lake surface or test our boundaries by climbing on an icy wall!

With winter fun we can move with snowshoes, skis, long distance skates, ice-climbing equipment or by kick sleds, play stone kurling or try all of these.  All our products are tailored according to the customers wishes.  But here are a few examples from our supply of tours and programs:

Kurling on Natural Ice

In the middle of a long conference it is nice to relax a little and play stone kurling. This kurling is almost like the real one, curling, played in the Olympics. But in this version the competition will be played with Kuru grey granite stones and the judge is corruptible by a song.

You are supposed to slide the stone on the ice and get the stone to stop on the target. At the same time you can collect points by hitting the opponent´s stones and playing them off the track. The competition can be played on natural ice or any other kind of icetrack.

Groupsize: 10-40 pers.

Transportation: For extra payment we can arrange transportation to the ice.

Meals: Hot juice, for extra payment we can arrange a meal.

Duration: 1, 5-2 h.

Price: 220 €/group + 3 €/pers. The price includes the equipment, judging, warm juice and 10 % VAT. For extra payment transportation, dinner and sauna.

Time of year: In the winter (January-March).

Equipment: Participants are required to wear according to the weather. We rent overalls, hats, gloves and boots if necessary.

Service languages: Finnish, Swedish, German and English. For French and Estonian we hope to get a request at least two weeks in advance.

Other information: The program is suitable for all fitnesses and ages.

Teamfun in the Middle of the Town

After a meeting or a busy workday it is good to relax a little, improve the group spirit, free creativity and gather up happy feelings. It’s possible to organize our little competitions almost everywhere. Even in the middle of Tampere city, easily and smoothly! After the activities you can continue the evening with a shared (sauna and ) dinner. We will make the reservations for you.

The wintry fun includes traditional Finnish winter sports – now carried out in a new way. There are big skis for 5 persons, kick sleds for 4 persons and curling stones made from original granite stone. In the end of the game everybody will come together, results will be announced and every participant gets a surprise prize.

Group size: 10-200 pers.

Transportation: For extra payment.

Meals: Welcoming coffee and bun included. Other services with extra payment.

Duration: Depending on the group size 2-3 h.

Price: Beginning 50 €/person. The price includes VAT.

Time of year: In the winter time

Equipment: Participants are required to dress according to the weather. We rent overalls, hats, gloves and boots with extra price.

Service languages: Finnish, German and English.

Other information: The program is suitable for all fitnesses and ages.

These product presentations are suggestive.  Hiking Travel, Hit Ky holds the rights to any and all changes.
