Tour Skating Clinic on Näsijärvi in Tampere


We organize a technique clinic for tour and nordic skating. Depending on your needs from beginner level to more advanced technique. The main focus is to learn the basic movements of nordic skating.


Season: Winter (when there is ice on Näsijärvi)
Time: Wed 17-19 (bookings by the previous Tuesday by 5 pm).

Start from our tour skating shop the Bikini Bar. Tour skating guidance for an hour after which skating by yourself for another hour in Tampere city shore sceneries.

Price: 36 € (guidance, equipment and juice), 26 € with own equipment.

Entries and info:, p. 040 7457803 (Tapio).
(Notice: bookings by the previous Tuesday by 5 pm).

Notice! If renting equipment, give your shoe size and height.

We also organize nordic skating tours and nordic skating technique clinics by order.


Additional information


Own, Rental equipment


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