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Titelbild für Hiking Travel, Hit
Hiking Travel, Hit

Hiking Travel, Hit

Hiking Travel HIT is an active family enterprise concentrating in nature tourism and outdoor sports especially in the Tampere region but also elsewhere in Finland.

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Night Time Hike in Kauppi

Night Time Hike in Kauppi

Apr. 3, 6:30pm - Apr. 3, 9:00pm

Kaupinpuistonkatu 6, 33500 Tampere, Finland Landkarte

Night time hike through Kauppi,

(Guidance in English)It is a nice time to relax during the Spring, heading out for a warm fire looking at the reflections of the awakening nature, listening to it's sounds and just enjoying.Come join us for a small hike on an spring evening, by torch light if needed, sit around a nice warm fire and talk about nature.You can even have your own chance to learn how to make a fire using a fire steel.This tour is suitable for people of all ages and is designed to help you navigate in evening time, during the tour you will get familiar with the local area, what Hiking Travel Hit has to offer and learn to spot interesting things in the awakening forest. There will be a moment we even relax and enjoy some Forest Mind exercises by a trained Forest mind Guide. Dress according to the weather. Customers must bring along their own water bottle and headlamp or torch. If you don't own one there is a possibility to rent a headlamp from us with extra price of 4€.Price:33€, includes guidance, sausage and a warm drink.Reservations:If you are interested to join, make a reservation either through Facebook messages or email ( Last chance to book is 2.4.25 before 9 pm. Guidance in English... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

2 interested  ·  1 going

IVV-Olympiade in Tampere vom 14. bis 17. August 2025

Hiking Travel, Hit  nimmt an der IVV-Olympiade in Tampere vom 14. bis 17. August 2025 teil. Zusammen mit dem Kanuverein Tampereen Vihuri sind wir für das IVV-Paddeln verantwortlich. Die Tour startet am Ufer von Kaupinoja vor dem Verleih von Hiking Travel und endet auch dort.
Teilnehmende können zwischen einem C2-Kanu oder einem K1- bzw. K2-Kajak wählen.
Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung:
